(Originally posted at www.dadomatic.com)
If you are a parent, you should have no trouble looking for things to be thankful for this holiday season. You need look no further than your children. While parenthood is full of stress, challenges and worries, it is also rich with rewards. Yet, with all the hustle and bustle of a home full of kids, it is easy to take for granted some of the true blessings of being a parent. Thus, with today being Thanksgiving, as a reminder to myself, here are…
Ten Reasons To Be Thankful For Your Kids: 10) They Are Constant Companions – A home with kids is never quiet, never lonely. Whether you need to run to the store, or give the dogs a bath, or just have someone to sit next to on the couch, with a child around, you always have someone to come along for the ride.
9) They Are Always An Audience – Your children are an ever present audience whenever you feel the urge to perform. Whether it is telling a joke or story, dancing like a doofus, or singing off-key, your kids are almost always guaranteed to laugh (with or at you) and applaud. All the word’s a stage, and there’s always a kid (preferably yours) in the audience.
8 ) They Are Entertainment – If you are a parent and you are ever bored, it is your fault. Kids can provide a constant stream of entertainment. From the faces they make to the things they say and do, an observant parent is an entertained parent.
7) They Are A Magic Mirror – Children are a magical mirror. The longer you look, the older they get, the more of yourself you can see in them. Look carefully and you will learn more about yourself than any other mirror can reveal.
6) They Are Great Students – A child is always a student at your side, eager to learn from you more than all others. Share your knowledge and experience, great and small. Be the Master, and let your child be the ever willing Grasshopper.
5) They Are Great Teachers – Role reversal is an integral part of parenting. As much as we can teach our kids, there is so much more we can learn from them if we pay attention.
4) They Are Our Conscience – A child of any age is like that little angel conscience sitting on your shoulder whispering in your ear. Even the knowing gaze of an infant will remind you to think about your choices, and more importantly, the consequences. Older kids will simply blurt out the words you are already thinking, such as “Dad, if you eat another donut your pants won’t fit!”
3) They Are Our “Raison D’etre” – As a parent, there is no need to search for meaning in life or that elusive “reason for being.” Your mission here is clear. It is all about your kids. Recognizing that can be a constant source of pride, joy and accomplishment.
2) They Are Our Legacy – It is not only vampires who seek immortality. It is every person’s dream to leave their mark on the world, and every parent does, through their children.
1) They Are Love – There is no better, no stronger, no more amazing love than the love of a parent for their child. Except perhaps, the love of a child for their parent. Both are worth everything.
For all of the above, and so much more, this Thanksgiving I am thankful for my three kids, Zach, Ethan and Olivia. I am also thankful for much more in my life, and many others important and close to me, but as this was written for Dad-o-matic, this post is dedicated to my kids.
How about you? Have I left out any reasons you are thankful for your kids? Please add to the list in the comments, and HAVE A WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING!
Jeff Sass is the proud dad of ZEO (Zach, 21, Ethan, 19 and Olivia, 18). He is also a seasoned entertainment and technology exec and active social media enthusiast. You can see more of Jeff’s writing at Sassholes! and Social Networking Rehab. Posted via email from Kiss My SASS!