As you may be able to tell from the photo above, I work for Myxer. Despite the impression you may have from the Nerf Dart planted firmly on my forehead, we actually work really hard and offer an amazing value for anyone who creates or distributes content and wants to make their content available to an audience of more than 28 million users.
Going Mobile
It is predicted that there will soon be more mobile phones than there are people on the planet. If you are like most people, that phone in your pocket has dramatically changed your behavior and the way you think about and access your information, communications and entertainment. If you are among the "younger generations," most likely your mobile phone truly is the center of your universe and the hub for the majority of your social interactions. What better place for content owners, advertisers and marketers to reach a captive and attentive audience?
All The World's A Stage, and Now It Is A MobileStage Too!
Since our inception Myxer has offered artists, bands and partners an easy way to mobilize their content without having to know anything about mobile technology. You simply upload your music, images or videos in their original format (mp3, jpg, mpeg, etc.) and Myxer takes care of the rest. Now we have expanded our offering with the launch of our MobileStage for MobileArtists and MobilePartners. Now everyone (including you) can have their own customizable Mobile Web Site and Mobile Fan List to connect directly with your fans on their all important mobile phones. You get a customizable keyword (for example, mine is text "Jeff" to 69937) that will deliver an SMS message with a link to your mobile site. You get a mobile fan list, so you can send text alerts directly to your fans who have opted in, and you get the ability to create and share your mobile content with the world, for free! For a nominal annual fee you can become a "Pro" and monetize your content and gain access to advanced features including detailed analytics and more.
Sure, this post is a shameless plug for my employer, but if you create images, music or videos, and want to share them on mobile phones, it may be worth a few minutes of your time to check out the new Myxer MobileStage. If you do, please let me know what you think!