Here's the scoop: As you may know, for the past few years I have been active as a so-called "Daddy Blogger,' sharing my dad point of view and stories at Dadomatic.com and in the weekly Cast of Dads podcast. With three awesome kids now ages 22, 20 and 18, I have no shortage of experiences and opinions on just about every parenting angle imaginable, so don't expect me to shut up anytime soon. On top of that, I am very lucky to often be handed new and interesting things to write about, and in this case I am looking forward to being able to share some insights on exciting new technologies, and how they will impact our family lives as an official "Intel Insider" advisor.
Inside Intel Insiders
Now in its third year, the Intel Insiders program originally sought to connect with early adopters and influencers to help Intel stay in touch and connected with technology enthusiasts. According to Intel's Ken Kaplan, "...this year we will be working with influencers actively engaging in lifestyle and parenting conversations online. We are hoping this helps us connect with people who are finding that technology is becoming more important in their lives." I am honored and excited to be one of this year's Intel Insiders along with this impressive group of bloggers:
- Alli Worthington Blissfully Domestic, @AlliWorthington
- Kristin Brandt of Manic Mommies, @kristinsb
- Maggie Mason of Mighty Girl, @Maggie
- Michael Sheehan HighTechDad, @HighTechDad
- Corvida Raven SheGeeks, @Corvida
- Erin Kane of Manic Mommies, @emkprgal
- Frank Gruber Somewhat Frank and TechCocktail @FrankGruber
- Justine Ezarik iJustine’s Awesome Blog, @iJustine
- Mia Kim popgadget, @MiaKim
In June I had the pleasure of visiting Intel's Portland Campus and today I will be attending an Intel Insiders Summit in NY. I look forward to sharing more Intel insights with you soon. Stay tuned...
In accordance to the FTC Guidelines and WOMMA Code of Ethics, I am disclosing that Intel Corporation has covered my travel, accommodations and expenses incurred for the Intel Insider Year III Summit.
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