Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Top Ten Sassholes Of 2009

Sometimes good advice is just too good not to follow.  Thanks to a typically helpful tweet by Chris Brogan I am taking a page from Christoper S. Penn's post at Marketing Over Coffee and presenting you with (according to Google Analytics) my year-end round up of:

The Top Ten Sassholes of 2009

(in reverse order of popularity, here are this past year's most popular blog posts at www.Sassholes.com)

Thanks for stopping by to read one or more of the above, now, or during the course of the year. I am delighted that you find my words worthy of your attention and look forward to more writing and reading together in 2010!

Happy New Year!

Photo Credit: © rook76 - Fotolia.com

Posted via email from Kiss My SASS!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

From The Beach To The Jungle With Jeff Pulver (@jeffpulver)

Yesterday I visited with my friend Jeff Pulver, creator of The 140 Characters Conference (#140conf) and Social Media Jungle (#SMJ).  Jeff is preparing for the second annual Social Media Jungle at CES, the Consumer Electronics Show, in Las Vegas on January 6, 2010.  As more and more hardware (phones, televisions, computers, cameras and other devices) continue to play an integrated and important role in how we create and share content and utilize our social media tools, it makes good sense to explore the Social Media Jungle at a conference such as CES.  You can see the schedule for Social Media Jungle CES here and you can register here.  (Disclosure: I am an unpaid speaker/participant in Social Media Jungle).

Here is a short interview I recorded with Jeff to give you a few more insights into the Social Media Jungle.  If you wil be at CES I look forward to seeing you there!

Posted via email from Kiss My SASS!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

You Too Can Have A MobileStage!

As you may be able to tell from the photo above, I work for Myxer.  Despite the impression you may have from the Nerf Dart planted firmly on my forehead, we actually work really hard and offer an amazing value for anyone who creates or distributes content and wants to make their content available to an audience of more than 28 million users.

Going Mobile

It is predicted that there will soon be more mobile phones than there are people on the planet. If you are like most people, that phone in your pocket has dramatically changed your behavior and the way you think about and access your information, communications and entertainment. If you are among the "younger generations," most likely your mobile phone truly is the center of your universe and the hub for the majority of your social interactions. What better place for content owners, advertisers and marketers to reach a captive and attentive audience?

All The World's A Stage, and Now It Is A MobileStage Too!

Since our inception Myxer has offered artists, bands and partners an easy way to mobilize their content without having to know anything about mobile technology.  You simply upload your music, images or videos in their original format (mp3, jpg, mpeg, etc.) and Myxer takes care of the rest.  Now we have expanded our offering with the launch of our MobileStage for MobileArtists and MobilePartners.  Now everyone (including you) can have their own customizable Mobile Web Site and Mobile Fan List to connect directly with your fans on their all important mobile phones.  You get a customizable keyword (for example, mine is text "Jeff" to 69937) that will deliver an SMS message with a link to your mobile site.  You get a mobile fan list, so you can send text alerts directly to your fans who have opted in, and you get the ability to create and share your mobile content with the world, for free!  For a nominal annual fee you can become a "Pro" and monetize your content and gain access to advanced features including detailed analytics and more.


Sure, this post is a shameless plug for my employer, but if you create images, music or videos, and want to share them on mobile phones, it may be worth a few minutes of your time to check out the new Myxer MobileStage.  If you do, please let me know what you think!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas, etc.

Merry Christmas if you are celebrating today.  If you are not, I hope you will still be reveling in the spirit of the Holiday Season (as I am) and spending quality time with the ones you love.  Religion and consumerism aside, we all have much to be thankful for, and regardless of the reason behind the season, if this time of year helps us to acknowledge and better appreciate what we have, and encourages us to help and respect those in need, then it can only be a wonderful time of year.  Happy Holidays!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Five Reasons NOT To Be A Scrooge This Year!

(This was originally written for and posted at Dad-O-Matic and I am re-posting it here in honor of the holiday season we are now in the thick of..)

We are in that awkward time between Thanksgiving, and New Year’s, when the various “Holy Days” (a.k.a. Holidays) kick in.  Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus, or some other seasonal ritual, one thing is certain, you will be inundated with the commercialism of the season.  Black Friday, Cyber Monday, mauling at the mall, the pressure is on.  Many folks, myself included, often feel overwhelmed this time of year, and easily fall into a funk.  Before you acquiesce to the desire to shout “Bah Humbug” here are…

Five Reasons NOT To Be A Scrooge This Year:

1) You are breathing!  ’Nuff said.  You are alive. Don’t take it for granted!  Carpe Diem and all that jazz!

2) If you are reading this blog, you have already discovered the Interwebs.  They are amazing.  You can find any information you can imagine flowing through this series of tubes called the Internet.  Find something to make you smile.  You can start here.

3) If you are reading this blog you may have kids.  If you don’t, borrow some for an afternoon.  Babysit for a neighbor or relative.  Children are a joy and and a constant reminder of the bigger picture and what really matters. (Hint: It is NOT holiday shopping).  Be thankful for your kids.

4) You made it!  If you are already exploring your inner Scrooge, you likely did the same thing last year.  Guess what? You still made it intact through the 2008 holidays and almost all of 2009 and you are no worse for the wear.  In fact, if you are honest with yourself, last holiday season wasn’t really all that bad, and there are probably some things that happened during the year that made you happy and proud. (Hint: Look at your kids again!)

5) What the Dickens? It is up to YOU to choose how you want to approach the Holidays this year, and set the example for your kids.  Why choose Scrooge when it is so much easier and more fun to choose to be thankful, helpful, reflective on the past and inspired for the future.  Scrooge was a fictional character. He didn’t have a choice.  You are real. You do!

So, what’s it gonna be?  Scrooge?  Bah humbug!

Jeff Sass is the proud dad of ZEO (Zach, 21, Ethan, 19 and Olivia, 18).  He is also a seasoned entertainment and technology exec and active social media enthusiast.  You can see more of Jeff’s writing at Dadomatic and Social Networking Rehab.

Photo Credit: © Willee Cole – Fotolia.com

Posted via email from Kiss My SASS!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Great Book Sampler, Just "In The Nick Of Time!"

This is a great holiday/marketing idea by the ever resourceful JC Hutchins: A FREE PDF with excerpts from a dozen terrific books.  I have already read at least half of these books so I can vouch for the quality of the words and talent of the authors (some of whom I consider friends).

Give yourself a gift and download the PDF.  Read the excerpts and once you are hooked, buy the books and support these deserving authors:


This is a HOLIDAY Sampler so share it with your family and friends and even better, buy them some of these books as gifts (you can buy them directly from links within the PDF).

Click here to download the In The Nick of Time! holiday sampler — and have a happy holiday season!

 icon for podpress  Holiday Special: "In the Nick of Time" PDF: Download

Posted via email from Kiss My SASS!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

A New Podcast, Starring A "Cast of Dads"

If you follow this blog you probably know that I also write for Chris Brogan's Dad-O-Matic, and on behalf of Dad-O-Matic I participated in the Sony DigiDad Project.  It was a lot of fun writing posts that were inspired by the Sony gear I was able to borrow and play with.  My kids and I particularly enjoyed our re-creating The Picture of Dorian Gray and creating a spoof infomercial for the Sony Vaio P mini laptop/ping-pong paddle.

While all the Sony Gear has now been returned, the connections made between the participating dads is going to live on in a new project.  The “Sony Dads” represent a great cross section of dad and personal blogs and we have decided to continue the conversation in a (hopefully weekly) podcast called the Cast of Dads.  We will cross-post our episodes at our respective blogs and of course you can subscribe to the podcast at www.castofdads.com (and soon in iTunes.)

At launch there are five dads in our cast, and between us we have thirteen kids, so I suspect we will always have great stories to share.  In our “premiere episode” we talk about:

  • Artificial vs. Real Christmas Trees
  • Holiday decorating
  • Mixed religious household traditions
  • Shopping for Holiday presents
  • What our kids are asking for this year
  • The coolness of Lego

And of course we introduce ourselves.  You can listen to Episode 1 of Cast of Dads here.  We’d love to hear what you think, and hope you will follow us as the show evolves.

Cast of Dads is a group of podcasting and blogging dads who gather to gab about fatherhood.  The cast of dads includes C.C. Chapman, Jeffrey Sass, Max Kalehoff, Michael Sheehan, and Brad Powell, who collectively represent 13 kids from the youngest of babies to full grown adults. Each of them brings a unique perspective to being a father.

Related articles by Zemanta

Zemanta helped me add links & pictures to this email. It can do it for you too.

Posted via email from Kiss My SASS!

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

10 Minutes At Breakfast With #140conf's Jeff Pulver

My friend Jeff Pulver (@jeffpulver) is the founder and host of the 140 Characters Conference (140conf).  After three successful 140conf events in New York, Los Angeles and London Jeff has established 140conf as the premiere event exploring how Twitter, Social Media and "The State of NOW" impacts the worlds of Music, Entertainment, Politics, Education, Charity, News and Media.  Jeff's events attract an eclectic and exciting group of speakers and storytellers including celebrities, business leaders, and "characters" from all walks of life. Sunday morning I captured a few minutes of Jeff's thoughts and vision over breakfast at Mo's Bagels in Miami, Florida.

(Disclosure: I was an unpaid speaker at two of the three 140conf events - NY and LA -  and I did not pay to attend. I received a  complimentary Kodak Zi8 Camera in a gift bag presented to speakers at 140conf LA.  I am not paid to be Jeff's friend, nor do I compensate him to be mine.  Jeff paid for breakfast at Mo's, but all I had was oatmeal and coffee so I was a relatively cheap date.)

Posted via email from Kiss My SASS!