I had the pleasure of participating on two panels and giving a "spotlight" presentation at DigiDay: Mobile in NY on Monday. Nick Friese, Tameka Kee and the entire DM2 Media team run a great series of events focusing on all aspects of Digital Media, and my employer Myxer has been happy to be one of the sponsors of both DigiDay: Apps and DigiDay: Mobile. I enjoy speaking before a crowd, and had some fun this time bringing along an edible "prop." The description of the session and video of the presentation is below. What do you think? Does the idea of "branded mobile content" resonate with you? I welcome your thoughts and feedback in the comments.
FREE Branded Content: Mobile For The Mass Market: Apps, apps, apps. Location, location, location. These are the incessantly buzzing Buzz words of the day. But the majority of U.S. mobile subscribers don’t have a Smartphone yet, and they have little interest in sharing their every move with friends and marketers. How do brands reach the masses of the mobile marketplace in fun, engaging and attention getting ways? With branded personalization content that rings true across all handsets, smart or not. Brands from GEICO to SKITTLES to FORD to ORBIT and more have leveraged the broad reach of free branded mobile content to establish lasting engagement with consumers.