Perhaps it was seeing Cyndi Lauper getting fired on Celebrity Apprentice that made me think of this headline. In any case, according to the latest BoomBox Report from my employer Myxer, one of the ways girls are having fun is by downloading LOTS of mobile content. According to the report:
Call It The womAN-DROID?
- Women accounted for 67% of total downloads by unique users on the Myxer platform in April 2010.
- When considering adoption of new smartphones in April 2010, Myxer finds that women choose BlackBerry more often (49%) than men (43%).
- The average female downloading content, using an Android device, downloads 21% more mobile content than the average man.
When it comes to iPhone vs. Android use, it seems the ladies on Google's platform are much more active than their male counterparts. On iPhones, while the girls still lead, there is less of a gap between the genders.
- The average male visiting Myxer on an Android device downloaded six pieces of content in April 2010. The average female using an Android device downloaded 7.6 pieces of content - or 21% more than the average male.
- This is in contrast to iPhone handsets where women only downloaded 6% more than men. (2.8 and three pieces of content respectively)
What do you think? Do you agree that "Girls Just Wanna Have Phone" and are dominating when it comes to mobile downloads? And what about Cyndi? Was The Donald right to fire her??? You can download the complete PDF of the Myxer BoomBox Report at