With that in mind I was thrilled to see popular vlogger Steve Garfield proudly touting his mom's appearance tonight on ABC World News. Seeing popular blogger Millie Garfield, at age 82, talking with passion and enthusiasm about her blog, and Flickr, Twitter, community and "googling" was a delight and perhaps the best imaginable endorsement of blogging and so called social media. No wonder Steve is always plugging "My Mom's Blog." It is great, and so is she.
Seeing this thoroughly modern Millie also made me think of my own Dad, who, at almost 73, is as addicted to his Blackberry as anyone I know and who doesn't go anywhere without his iPod and Laptop. I am also reminded that the more things change, the more they remain the same. When I was in college, my Dad used to send me big Manila envelopes filled with Xerox copies of pages and pages of stupid jokes. Today, he still sends me the stupid jokes... but now it is by email.
So thanks, Dad, for the stupid jokes (and for being a tech savvy senior). And thanks Millie, for being a blogger and an inspiration!
Are the seniors in your life "connected"?
Here is Steve's "behind the scenes" video of his Mom's ABC World News interview.